bringing the works of Richard Ploetz to the stage
What is NEDWORKS, Inc?
Nedworks Productions was created to unite efforts to bring the written works of Richard Ploetz to the stage. Over the past 10 years we have produced 6 plays by Ploetz in various off-off-Broadway theaters in New York City.
Who is NEDWORKS, Inc?
Nedworks is a family operation with Ploetz himself in the writer's chair, wife Carol at the helm, and daughter Kathryn tapping away at the keyboard. Numerous others have contributed their time and effort to accomplish our mission:
Geoffrey Leven, Clement Oubrerie, David O'Neil and Ian Webster for their incredible talent in graphic design.
Paul Adams at EAT (Emerging Artists Theatre) for his ongoing support of Richard as he develops his plays.
The directors who have shaped Richard's work: Job Ethan Christenson, James Glossman, Deb Guston, Steven Hauck, Rasa Allan Kazlas, Andreas Robertz, Gary Shrader, Ian Streicher.
The extraordinarily talented actors from productions past and present.
Corinne Kevorkian, Abby Lindsay and Reed Talada, who were instrumental in transforming Nedworks Productions from an idea into a reality.
Jon Lavieri, friend and ever insightful critic.
Gene Kalish and Stephen Yaffe, Richard's buddies from the Drama School, where he honed his craft.
Josh Mackie as Nedworks Productions resident videographer.
Crystal Field and her amazing staff at Theater for the New City, our "home away from home."
And, of course, our financial angels for their support.
A bit about Ploetz

Richard Ploetz (PLAYWRIGHT) studied Playwriting at the Yale School of Drama and received an MFA from Columbia. He has had plays produced in New York City at the WPA Theater, Playwrights Horizons, Theater Genesis, LaMaMa ETC, Emerging Artists Theater, and Theater for the New City (Deceit 2013, Versailles 2014, Old Flame 2015, Dining With Ploetz 2019). In California his play Oli’s Icecream Suit was produced at West Coast Repertory Theatre. He has published short stories in literary magazines; his children’s book, THE KOOKEN was brought out by Henry Holt. Clement Oubrerie, graphic artist, and Richard collaborated on NEDTOONS, a cartoon series featuring Ned, a corgi. Richard has taught composition and playwriting at NYU. He is a long term instructor at Lehman College’s Adult Learning Center. He has received numerous writing grants, and a National Endowment For the Arts Fellowship. He is a member of Emerging Artists Theater, and The Dramatists Guild. www.richardploetz.com.